Family is a word that evokes positive feelings in many people. Most people decide to start their own family, wanting, first of all, to gain a sense of security, be able to develop their passions, fully learn love, mutual respect, understanding and trust …
Most common issues within families are various disputes based on lack of communication, misunderstanding, crisis situations, loss of a loved one, one of the members is facing problems which have an impact on the functionality of the family.
I strongly encourage that all of the members engaged in the family (usually who live together but this is not a requirement) take part in the sessions. However sometimes it is not possible, therefore it is important that all attendees are open to a change and work towards improvement and final resolution. Unless there's an urgency the sessions usually take place 3-4 weeks apart.
It is not uncommon that some of the attendees will be advised to consider individual therapy.
Family therapy focuses on strengths of the individuals and the best method in supporting each other within the family through open mind, active listening, taking responsibility, caring for eachother, growth (as individuals and as family), communication, expressing emotions, improvement of the relations between particular members of the family, learning how to plan and act together. Also the aim is to show different perspectives and possibilities of taking different than current ways by correcting dysfunctional approaches to stressful/difficult situations in the final effect to enjoy each other's company, live happily and support one another.