Recently the option of online therapy is becoming more popular due to physical inability to leave the house or because of shyness, anxiety, the difficulty to establish relationships face to face or social anxiety disorder. The Internet becomes a handy tool in overcoming the first insecurities and makes it much easier to open in a conversation.
For some, who are familiar with online communications, this source becomes an obvious choice.
Isolation, among other reasons, due to prolonged illness, changes in life circumstances, dynamics within family and friends, or moving to a new place can wreak havoc on our social lives. Whether it's self-isolation, hiding or running away from obvious problems, or the challenges of finding new ways in a new environment and establishing new relationships, these experiences often leave a negative imprint on our mental health. The loss of social connections and support systems makes us more inclined to feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and depression, making it crucial to address these issues and seek ways to rebuild and maintain social ties for overall well-being. In such circumstances, online therapy becomes a vital option for accessing professional help, offering a convenient and accessible means to receive support and guidance in overcoming these challenges.